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What is the visibility benchmark?

The Visibility Benchmark shows how prominent your Areas of Interest (AOIs) are compared to the industry standard. It can be found under the ‘Benchmark’ tab on the left sidebar.

Visibility benchmark example in app view on the left sidebar
An example of the visibility benchmark on the left sidebar.

To view this benchmark, you must first outline at least one Area of Interest (AOI) and then choose a preset name from the dropdown menu.

Currently, the Visibility Benchmark is available exclusively for the desktop landing page content, and it is only available for these design elements: 

  • Logo
  • Heading
  • Subheading
  • Primary CTA button
  • Secondary CTA button

How does it work?

Once drawing any AOIs that qualify for the Visibility Benchmark and selecting their corresponding name from the dropdown menu, the benchmark result will appear in the left sidebar alongside the details of that AOI. Choosing the correct name is crucial for our system to accurately recognize the outlined AOI and generate the appropriate benchmark results. Ensure the AOI name matches exactly with the one listed in the dropdown menu for precise identification.

Upon choosing the correct AOI name, in the left sidebar, you will see the name of the AOI, its Percentage of Attention, and a benchmark analysis indicating whether this percentage is above, below, or at the average level. This is further highlighted by a color-coded dot preceding the AOI name: green signifies above average, yellow for average, and red indicates below average attention.

Visibility benchmark close up example
A close up example of the visibility benchmark ("Primary CTA" is short for "Primary Call-To-Action button"; same for "Secondary CTA").

If your AOI’s attention percentage is above average, your design is likely effective as is. An average score might prompt a review to see if improvements are desired, while a below-average score suggests a need for adjustments to enhance visibility, possibly even requiring a change to the entire layout.

How was the benchmark created?

To create this benchmark, we analyzed the landing pages of the top 500 SaaS companies, ranked by revenue and website traffic. We focused on five key design elements within these pages and assessed them using our Percentage of Attention feature. Following this analysis, we calculated the average Percentage of Attention for each element, which has allowed us to establish this Visibility Benchmark for you.

Why did we choose SaaS companies?

For which other companies are landing page conversions as crucial as they are for SaaS businesses? For these companies, having an optimized and high-converting landing page is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Why target the top-performing companies?

Our benchmark aims to set a high standard. Achieving the average in our benchmark suggests your design is on par with the industry’s top performers, likely surpassing the general average. 

Moreover, conversions extend beyond mere visual aspects; they involve more intricate factors. Good visibility of specific elements is necessary but usually not the sole requirement for success. Thus, it’s crucial first to ensure that visibility meets a high standard to avoid sabotaging further optimization.