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Generate Attention Heatmaps on all image files in Google Drive folder

Zapier automates design testing by connecting Attention Insight’s App based on your rules set.

For example, after only minutes of setup, design files in your Google Drive folder will be automatically analyzed by Attention Insight and placed into your Google Drive.


In Zapier every Zap has a trigger and one or more actions.
A trigger is an event that starts a Zap.
Action is  what your Zap does for you. 


How to set up Zapier to work with Attention Insight?

In order to use the Attention Insight and Zapier integration, you will need at least a Starter plan as multi-step Zaps are required. 

First, create a Zapier account and start the trial or just sign in to your Starter or higher account

Below you will find a step-by-step tutorial on how to create the Zap. Start by clicking Create Zap.


Step 1 – Setting up a Trigger.



In the search field type in Google Drive and select it.


Next, select the appropriate Event; in this example,  „New File in Folder“ (when a new file appears in your Google Drive folder).

Click Continue and then sign in to your Google Drive account.



Once you connect Google Drive to Zapier, you need to do several things in your Google Drive.

  • Click New – New Folder. Name if whatever you want, but for the purposes of this text, we named it Zapier test.
  • Double click the newly created Zapier test folder and create two more folders, Zap Input (where we will add files for testing) and Zap Output (where Attention Insight will return analyzed files).  
  • Add a test image into your Zap Input folder (will be required when testing the trigger).

Now, return to Zapier (you might need to refresh the page). Select your drive and then find the Zapier Test Folder. To select the Zap input folder, click the arrow on the right.

And select the Zap Input folder, as per the example.


Test your trigger to ensure that Zapier can find the images and everything is setup correctly.



If your test information is correct, click Continue.


Step 2  –  Set up an Action (analyze the image).

In the search field type in Attention Insight and select it.

Again, select the Event. For the purpose of this tutorial, select “Perform Quick Attention Prediction” (Attention Insight will perform a quick attention prediction and generate a Attention heatmap).


Click Continue and Sign In to your Attention Insight account.

Once connected, click Continue.

Now, let us set up the action.


In the File or Url field, click and select the „File“.

In the Filename  – the title of your file (in this sample „Title“).

In the Analysis Type –  the Model type (the appropriate type depends on the content of images and your needs). In the example, select Desktop.



Test the Action and if all goes well, continue to step 3.


Step 3  –  Set up the second Action (delay).

Click on the plus sign below the first Action to create a new one.


In the search field type in Delay by Zapier and select it.

We need this Action because Attention Insight takes time to analyze your design.


Select Delay After Queue.

Queue Title – type in Delay or something similar. 

Time Delayed For (value) – we recommend typing in 1 for a delay of 1 minute (but you can add a delay to better suit your needs: minutes, hours, or even weeks). 

Time Delayed For (unit) – in our example, select minutes.

Click Continue.


Test the action and Continue.


If the Test passes, move on to the last step.



Step 4  –  Set up the final Action (return the file).

In the search field type in Google Drive and select it.

This time, in the Event field select Upload File as we’ll be uploading a file to your Google Drive.


Select your Google Drive Account and click Continue.

In the Drive field – select the Google Drive you created the Zapier folders in.

In the Folder field – select the Zapier Output field (remember to click the Arrow on the right of the Zapier test, as per the example).

In the File field – select New File in Folder in Google Drive and then File.

In the Convert to Document – for our example, select False.

In the File name field – leave it blank unless you want to change the name of the file somehow. For testing purposes, leaving the filename the same is fine.

Click Continue.


Test Action the and Continue again.

If the test is correct – the ZAP is ready to Publish.

If you see an active “Publish” button, congratulations, everything is DONE.

Once your Zap is published, Zapier and Attention Insight will run the analysis of your designs each time you add new images to the specified Google Drive folder – everything will be done automatically.