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How do I interpret Clarity Score?

Clarity score shows how clear the design is for a new user, whether it is overloaded with elements and clashing colors or clean and clear. An algorithm takes into account various aspects of your design – the amount of text, text size, and text contrast, colorfulness, number of images, and their size. The higher the score, the more clean-looking the design is. On the other hand, a low score indicates that your design is cluttered and important elements are not easily visible.

For example, a 79% clarity score means that the design has optimal clarity, which is a great result. You can also compare your design clarity with your industry standard in our Clarity benchmark.

The Clarity score ranges from 1 to 100. Ultimately, the Clarity score is divided into four categories:

  • Severe Difficulty (0-29)
  • Moderate Difficulty (30-59)
  • Optimal Clarity (60-94)
  • Too Simple (95-100)


These ranges vary a little bit depending on the content type. For example, a news or media website with a clarity score of 55% would fall into the range of Optimal Clarity, whereas a landing page with the same clarity score would fall into the range of Moderate Difficulty. It is because News websites and even eCommerce websites, on average, tend to be more cluttered than landing pages.

If you want to know when to stop optimizing for visual clarity, read this article.