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What is a credit?

Credits in our platform are tokens that you can spend to create image analyses, generate AI recommendations, and analyse videos.

Here’s what 1 credit counts as:

  • 1 image or URL analysed (up to 3 viewports). Additional charge for longer images: +1 credit for each additional 3 viewports;
  • 1 separate viewport analysis in a long image (when you select the viewport area and click on ‘Analyse’);
  • 1 AI recommendation request;
  • 1 sec. of video analysed;
  • 4 API transactions.


For example, if you upload a desktop webpage screenshot of 1920 pixels in width and 4000 pixels in height, it will cost you 2 credits; a similar screenshot with a resolution of 1920 x 12000 will be charged as 4 credits in total; a mobile page with a resolution of 1080 x 21000 will use up 3 credits; and if you take one viewport (screen view) from that page to analyze separately it will be charged as one credit. If you click on the button ‘How to optimize attention?’ to get AI recommendations it will take 1 credit; if you click on the button ‘How to improve colors and contrast?’ to get other AI recommendations it will also cost an extra one credit. 30 seconds of analysed video will be 30 credits.

Using add-ons (plugins) will consume credits the same as in the Web app.

You get a certain fixed amount of credits every month depending on which plan you choose. 

In the web app, if you want to generate desktop and mobile analyses for your website, you must create them separately because we treat them as separate analyses.