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Attention Insight and Zapier integration – Adding shareable links to the heatmap analysis results in Google Sheets

Zapier automates design testing by connecting Attention Insight’s App based on your rules set.

After this tutorial, any design files (via their URLs) you add to the organization Google Sheet will be automatically analyzed by Attention Insight and placed in a separate column as shareable links for other members of your organization to view.

About Zapier

Zapier allows you to set up automations based on various rules and tools at your disposal. Tools available include not only ones developed by Zapier, but many other software providers allow access to their systems – including Attention Insight.

The automations on Zapier are called Zaps. Every Zap has a trigger and one or more actions.

A trigger is an event that starts a Zap.

Action is what your Zap does for you.

Requirements to use the Zapier and Attention Insight integration

  1. In order to use the Attention Insight and Zapier integration, you will need at least a Starter plan of Zapier as multi-step Zaps are required (you can use the trial period to test out the connection). Register and login to the service now.
  2. Make a copy of this Google Sheet we have prepared for the tutorial to the Google Drive you will be using (also, remove “Copy” from the filename once you do); this will make the step-by-step guide easier as this integration requires properly setting up and naming columns of a Google Sheet. If you want to set up a Google Sheet on your own, make sure to include three columns – one for the title of an image, one for the image URL and one for the result URL. Add at least one row of data (for the name and url of the image to be tested; our tutorial template has a sample row included); you will need the data for Zapier testing to work. If you skip this step or set up improperly, Zapier might not find the data required and fail in its tests.
  3. Also, in the Google Drive (we recommend using an organization Drive) you will be using for this guide, create a folder for the analysis output. We named the folder “Zap Output” (this will correspond to our selection in step 4).

How to set up Zapier to work with Attention Insight?

Below you will find a step-by-step tutorial on how to create the Zap. Start by clicking Create Zap.

Step 1 – Setting up a Trigger.

In the search field type in Google Sheets and select it.

Next, select the appropriate Event; in this example, New or Updated Spreadsheet Row (Team Drive) (when, in this case, an URL is added to a specific cell in a column).

Click Continue and then choose a Google Sheets account to be used.

If you never connected a Google Sheets account to Zapier, click the button to connect the new account:

Once connected, click Continue.

In the Drive field, click and select the Google Drive where the copied Google Sheet is located.

In the Spreadsheet field – click and select the copy of the spreadsheet you made prior to starting the guide. The title in our example is Zapier – Attention Insight Integration – Tutorial Google sheet.

In the Worksheet field – click and select Image URLs (or a name of the worksheet where the URLs will be located).

In the Trigger Column field – click and select the column named Image URL to be analyzed.

Click the Test trigger button to ensure that Zapier can find the image title and URL and everything is set up correctly.

If the Trigger test passes, click Continue.

Step 2 – Perform Quick Attention Prediction in Attention Insight.

In the search field type in Attention Insight and select it.

Again, select the Event. For the purpose of this tutorial, select Perform Quick Attention Prediction (Attention Insight will perform a quick attention prediction and generate a heatmap).

Click Continue and Sign In to your Attention Insight account.

Once connected, click Continue.

Now, let us set up the action.

In the File or Url field, click and select the Image URL to be analyzed (or whatever corresponds to your selection in the step 1 actions trigger column).

In the Filename field – select the Image Title column. This won’t actually be used, but is required for the setup.

In the Analysis Type field – the Model type (the appropriate type depends on the content of images and your needs). In the example, select Poster.

Test the Action and if all goes well, click the + sign (to add another step) continue to step 3.

Step 3 – Delay by Zapier.

In the search field type in Delay by Zapier and select it.

We need this Action because Attention Insight takes time to analyze your design.

Select Delay After Queue.

In the Queue Title field – type in Delay for 5 minutes or something similar.

In the Time Delayed For (value) field – we recommend typing in 5 for a delay of 5 minutes (but you can add a delay to better suit your needs: minutes, hours, or even weeks). Type in a number only, not anything else.

In the Time Delayed For (unit) field – in our example, select minutes.

Click Continue.

Test the action and Continue.

If the Test passes, move on to the next step.

Step 4 – Upload file in Google Drive.

In the search field type in Google Drive and select it.

This time, in the Event field select Upload File as we’ll be uploading a file to your Google Drive.

Select your Google Drive Account and click Continue.

In the Drive field – select the Google Drive you created the folder in during the introduction. We will be choosing the folder (Zap Output) in the next step.

In the Folder field – select Zap Output (or however you named it during the introduction of this guide). If the folder is nested somewhere other than the main folder, use the arrow on the right to go deeper).

In the File field – select Perform Quick Attention Prediction in Attention Insight, Show all options and then Heatmap File.

You can leave the rest of the fields blank.

Click Continue and test the Action.

If the test passes, move on to the 5th step.

Step 5 – Add File Sharing Preference in Google Drive.

In the search field type in Google Drive and select it.

This time, in the Event field select Add File Sharing Preference as we’ll be changing the file sharing preferences for the newly added file. Click Continue once selected.

Once more, select your Google Drive Account and click Continue.

In the Drive field – select the Google Drive you created the folder in during the introduction.

In the File Id field – select Custom – Upload File in Google Drive – Show all options – ID. This will fetch the id of the file Attention Insight created.

In the Sharing Preference field – for the purposes of the guide, if you are a member of an organization you’d like to use this integration with, select Anyone at your organization with the link can view (but you can choose the most appropriate setting for the purposes of your organization). If you’re just testing this out on your personal Google Drive, select Anyone on the internet with the link can view.

In the Organization Domain field – if you want to share with only members of your organization, add the corresponding organization domain name ( If you’re just testing this out on your personal Google Drive, leave this field blank.

Click Continue and test the Action.

If the test passes, move on to the 6th step.

Step 6 – Lookup Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets

This step is required if you’re planning to add multiple rows of URL’s to test, as we’ll be looking up the row to be updated every time this Zap is run.

In the search field type in Google Sheets and select it.

First, select the account you used in the previous Google Sheets step.

Next, select the appropriate Event; in this example, Lookup Spreadsheet Row – will search for the appropriate row to add the newly created shareable URL to.

In the Drive field – click and select the Google Drive where the copied Google Sheet is located.

In the Spreadsheet – click and select the copy of the spreadsheet you made prior to starting the guide. The title in our example is Zapier – Attention Insight Integration – Tutorial Google sheet.

In the Worksheet – click and select Image URLs (or a name of the worksheet where the URLs will be located).

In the Lookup Column field – select Image Title.

In the Lookup Value field – select New or Updated Spreadsheet Row (Team Drive) in Google Sheets – Show all options (in case the needed choice is not visible) – Image Title.

Leave the rest of the fields empty.

Test the action to ensure that everything is working.

This part of the test will fail if you changed the Tutorial Sheet (added an extra field or misnamed the fields in any way). Make sure to follow this section of the tutorial properly.

Once the test passes, continue.

Step 7 – Update Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets.

In the search field type in Google Sheets and select it.

Next, select the appropriate Event; in this example, Update Spreadsheet Row – we’ll be adding the URL of the file uploaded to Google Drive in step 5.

Click Continue and then choose the same Google Sheets Account you used in step 1.

In the Drive field, click and select the Google Drive where the copied Google Sheet is located.

In the Spreadsheet field – click and select the copy of the spreadsheet you made prior to starting the guide. The title in our example is Zapier – Attention Insight Integration – Tutorial Google sheet.

In the Worksheet field – click and select Image URLs (or a name of the worksheet where the URLs will be located).

In the Row field – select Custom – Lookup Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets – Show all options (in case the needed choice is not visible) – Row.

If you have other columns in this Worksheet – you will see more fields available, but we only need the last one – Analyzed Image URL. Skip the rest.

In the Analyzed Image URL field – select Add File Sharing Preference in Google Drive – Show all options – Shareable link.

Click Continue and test the action.

If you see an active Publish button, congratulations, everything is DONE.

Once your Zap is published, Zapier and Attention Insight will run the analysis of your designs each time you add a new URL to the Image URL to be analyzed column.