Optimizing Your Screen Time: Unveiling the Advantages of Computer Glasses

People are getting computer vision sickness more often because they spend more time on phones, computers, tablets, and TVs overall. [Nearly two-thirds of people who use computers all the time experience digital eye strain.]

The good news is that computer glasses can help you see better and safer while you’re at a screen. And buying them with a good blend of sunglasses, such as Tom Ford sunglasses, you have better protection for your eyes with a long glasses warranty.

This article will explain what computer vision sickness is and how it can hurt your eyes and health. Let’s get in!

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Constant use of digital screens, like computers, tablets, and phones, can lead to a group of eye problems called CVS. With people spending 7 to 9 hours a day in front of screens, CVS is spreading more.

The most common signs of Computer Vision Syndrome are:

  • Headaches and tired eyes
  • Trouble seeing
  • Itching and dry eyes
  • Not feeling well in the back, neck, or shoulders

You don’t have an eye illness; you just have CVS, which is a group of minor visual problems made worse by computer time. So, screen breaks and computer glasses from good vendors like Ray-Ban Wayfarer can help ease the effects. But CVS that isn’t handled can hurt your job and your quality of life.

Benefits of Computer Glasses

Computer glasses help people who are screen-hungry:

They keep out glare and blue light. 

AR glasses cut down on glare and make vision better. Blue HEV light from the screen is blocked.

They help eyes that are tired. 

Eyes can get tired after hours of computer time. Less color blur in computer glasses makes it easier to see what’s on the screen. Less pain in the eyes and headaches.

This might help you sleep better. 

At night, blue light from computers throws off melatonin and the body’s natural clock. Less easy to fall asleep and stay asleep. This can’t happen with evening and nighttime computer glasses that block blue light. Melatonin helps your body control when you sleep and wake up.

Types of Computer Glasses

Two main types of computer glasses:

1. Non-prescription

Non-prescription computer glasses have filters that block UV rays and blue light. Lenses that don’t need a prescription make long-term use of a computer screen more comfortable. They help with headaches and eyestrain caused by computer vision sickness.

2. Prescription with magnification

Computer glasses that you need to wear with contacts or glasses block blue and UV light.

Prescription glasses make TVs 18 to 24 inches bigger. For distance glasses, the prescription is different. Magnifiers help your eyes feel better.

You can get progressive lenses, single-vision lenses, or bifocal lenses. It’s best to talk to your eye doctor about vision and screen time prescription.

If you are over 40, prescription computer glasses are better for correcting your screen vision. Non-prescription helps younger people who don’t need glasses or contacts.


What to Look for When Buying

Things you should think about when getting computer glasses:

Blue light blocker

Find glasses that block blue light from digital screens. Blue light makes it hard to sleep and concentrate, and it also causes digital eye pain. 35–100% of high-energy blue light that can be seen is blocked by good computer glasses.

Lens or coatings

Lens coatings that don’t reflect light, cut down on glare, block UV rays, and repel water all help with digital device eyesight and eye tiredness. Safe glasses made of high-index plastic or polycarbonate that can withstand impacts.

Style and fit of the frame

The TR90 polymer frames are light and comfortable to wear for long amounts of time. The nose pads and temples can be adjusted to get a good fit. Modern computer glasses come in a wide range of styles and shapes with beautiful frames.

How to Use Computer Glasses Right?

When you use computer glasses correctly, you can get the most out of them. Here are some ideas:

  • When you use a phone, tablet, TV, or laptop, you should wear computer glasses. Put them on to watch videos online.
  • Make sure the glasses fit your face and style. Frames shouldn’t slide around on your nose. Check to see if the earpieces fit well. Getting the right fit improves ease and eye safety.
  • Use computer glasses to fix bad screen habits. During breaks, look around. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Lessens eye pain. Clean your screens, make the words bigger, and change the lighting.
  • Pairs for work and everyday use should be kept separate. Prescription glasses for computers help protect your eyes from screen time.

To improve your eye health and comfort, make sure you wear your glasses every day, fix them correctly, and watch TV in a way that is good for your eyes.


Don’t wait until you have headaches or eye pain to do something to protect your vision and keep working. See your eye doctor to get a prescription that fits your needs. Check out glasses that block blue light to see if they make a difference at work and at play. Play around with the distance between the computer screen, the lighting, the settings on the device, and the amount of lens blur that you like best. Our tech habits can go from being bad to being good with a few easy changes. Our eyes will be grateful.

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