How to Use Attention Insight Plugin for Sketch

We are happy to announce that from now on the Attention Insight plugin is available for Sketch!

Attention Insight is a daily tool for marketers and designers that everyday are working on improving Users Experience, Attention Flow and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) on their websites or apps. 

As specialists from the same fields we can’t imagine anymore a day without it.
Based on eye tracking data Artificial Intelligence generates Attention Heatmaps which allows you to see the journey of user’s attention. You can check your design and improve it if needed in a workflow without ever leaving a Sketch. 

Let’s see how the plugin works!

STEP #1  Find and Install Plugin

  • By clicking here you will download a .zip file. Double click it and Attention Insight plugin will be installed!


  • Go to 👉
  • In the search type – “Attention Insight” > press on the table
  • Click  “latest release”
  • Install the file you just downloaded by double-clicking it
  • Aaand you have it! 

STEP #2 Sign In*

  • In the top menu bar press Plugin > “Attention Insight” > Sign In > enter your account details
plugin for user testing in Sketch Log In window

STEP #3 Generate a Heatmap!

  • Mark Artboard with your design 
  • Go to Plugin > Attention Insight > choose “Generate”
  • Few seconds… Here it is! You have your design heatmap!
Landing usability testing in Sketch Attention Insight plug for AI-generated attention heatmaps

*If you don’t have an account yet

Go to and Sign Up!

If you have questions on how to do it you can find it here.

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Exclusive Insights On your Users Attention