eastern europe outsourcing

Top 7 Eastern Europe Outsourcing Companies

If you need to hire a developer, you should find an outsourcing agency. Although India and China are still popular options for IT outsourcing, companies are becoming to choose an outsourcing specialist from Ukraine, Romania, and Poland. Developers from these countries are known for their strong educational base. The main clients are organizations from Europe and the United States. Thanks to low salaries and a high level of education and skills, Eastern European countries are now a very promising area for IT outsourcing. Ukraine is in first place among Eastern European countries for the appeal of IT outsourcing. Below top 7 Eastern Europe outsourcing companies. 

7 Most Popular Eastern Europe Outsourcing Companies

  1. Luxoft
  2. SoftServe
  3. N-iX
  4. Droids On Roids
  5. Daxx
  6. ScienceSoft
  7. MentorMate
eastern europe outsourcing
Source: https://mobilunity.ch/blog/how-to-hire-nearshore-team-in-ukraine-6-pros/

The Role Of Virtual CTO

Services such as virtual CTO are very important. In web studios, very often the technical director is the second partner or co-owner. Many such companies start by combining 2-3 people. For example, one of them is an entrepreneur, another is a web developer, and the third is a designer. The entrepreneur organizes and sells, and these two work on projects. Then the business grows, they start hiring employees. And the web developer-owner no longer has time to just code, he has new, more global tasks. So he holds the position of a technical director in the company, who is responsible for all the technical side:

  • Hiring and building development teams. He is present at the technical interview, assesses the skills and knowledge of applicants;
  • Adapting, onboarding, motivating, organizing the work and efficiency of technicians;
  • shaping the technology stack to be used;
  • Pre-sales evaluation of tasks and projects. For example, a client comes to a meeting with his project, and the technician has to assess whether the company can complete this project, for how long, etc.;
  • Control over the work of the team leaders;
  • Resolution of conflicts within the development teams. For example, there is a “Mac or Windows” dispute in the team. And the technical director must choose the option that will be common for the whole company or somehow resolve the situation.

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There are different understandings of the CTO position, and it is quite natural that in each company it can be a completely different story. Here are a few examples.

One company wants the candidate for this position to essentially be the team leader: writing code, designing solutions and architecture, conducting code reviews, and performing other team leader duties. You only need to build processes within your small dedicated team and all you’re expected to do is have a working product. More often than not, this is the role of an CTO in a company that is in the startup and MVP phase of creating a product. In fact, they want a quick startup, launch a minimal product, and test its viability.

Another company wants a CTO to handle development processes, infrastructure, tech management. It’s a kind of development manager.

A third company may want the CTO to deal with presale, promotion, and marketing.

And each company is right in its own way. It is good when the founders and shareholders understand in principle what the CTO should do in the company. Understanding the task is the first stage of its successful solution.

eastern europe outsourcing
Source: https://mobilunity.com/blog/cto-as-a-service/

A person in this position must understand what the major opportunities and risks are in the business, focus on them, and focus on the issue of business growth.

To summarize, the CTO is responsible for the company’s technological development strategy and manages the entire technical block. Managerial skills in this sense are more important than technical skills. A CTO is not someone who knows everything, but a person who surrounds himself with specialists who know everything that the company needs to develop, and he can manage it all.

When a Company Needs CTO services

If the entrepreneur does not know the technical part, but he needs complex IT-products in his work, or he has his own development department. For example, an entrepreneur hired a 1C specialist – who gave him the task of finalizing the accounting system for his business. The employee set a working time of 40 hours for the task. And then it turns out that this is a regular function, which works if you just check a certain box in a certain place. And the employee worked those 40 hours on three other third-party projects.

To eliminate this kind of deception, we need a technical director who will communicate with the contractor or with the in-house team.

And if a large company is going to automate its business or launch an IT product in its market, it cannot do without a technician. He can do benchmarking and understand what products their competitors have, work out a general strategy of technical development, recruit experienced specialists for the development department, control the work on the project.

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