Need an image for LinkedIn Business Cover? We are here to help you.
LinkedIn Cover Photo Size for Business Profiles
LinkedIn Cover Photo size for Business Profiles is 1536px x 768px. However, make sure your content fits inside the Safe Zone. You can either do that yourself or order professional resizing & headshot retouching services and let experts take care of your images.
For this reason, we have created a LinkedIn Business Cover Photoshop Template, which you can download and adjust upon your needs.
Validate your concepts for performance during the design stage with AI-generated attention analytics
LinkedIn Business Cover Photoshop Template
Once you download the Photoshop template, you can edit it by removing the layer visibility of the layers of guidance and uploading your artwork: File -> Place Linked…
Examples of LinkedIn Business Cover
Here is an example of Attention Insight LinkedIn Business Cover image, on the desktop and the mobile mode, in which the content is fit inside the recommended measurements.